Cosmetic Dentistry in Atlanta, GA

Cosmetic dentistry is any dental procedure that improves the appearance of a patient’s teeth, gums or bite. Many cosmetic dental procedures are elective, but some procedures can also have restorative benefits.

A cosmetic dental treatment, or a smile makeover, improves the appearance of teeth. A prosthodontist may offer several types of cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening, dental bonding, and porcelain veneers. Some cosmetic procedures require multiple visits to the prosthodontist’s office, while others can be completed in just one dental appointment.

Cosmetic Dentistry Benefits

  • Smile makeovers are comprehensive treatment plans designed to improve the appearance of your smile. 
  • Cosmetic dental treatments offer many different benefits that can improve your overall oral health. 
  • Complete smile makeovers can restore your self-esteem. Patients often feel more confident when they love their smiles.

Major Cosmetic Treatments

1. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the only procedure that can change the natural color of a person’s teeth. Discoloration can be the result of genetics, poor oral hygiene, or the use of certain medications. In a single visit to the prosthodontist, the patient can walk out of the dental practice with a bright and radiant smile. 

2. Dental Implants

When a tooth is lost, the bone around it can deteriorate. A dental implant is placed into the bone to replace the tooth root, preventing bone loss and preserving the facial structure. Dental implants can also be used to replace multiple teeth.

3. Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are thin shells of tooth-colored materials designed to cover the front surface of your teeth. They are used to change the shape, color, size, or length of the tooth. Usually, a small amount of enamel from the surface of the tooth will need to be removed to ensure that the veneer fits properly.

At Prosthodontics Atlanta, the prosthodontist offers a variety of cosmetic dentistry treatments to improve the appearance of the smile. Each treatment is designed to help patients achieve a specific cosmetic goal, such as reducing the appearance of a gap between the teeth, whitening the teeth, or straightening the teeth.

The prosthodontist and the team are happy to explain the dental treatments offered at the practice in detail. If you would like to learn more, we invite you to give Prosthodontist Atlanta a call at (404) 872-3140 and schedule a consultation.


5555 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd STE 240,
Atlanta, GA 30342

Office Hours

MON - THU7:30 am - 3:30 pm

FRI - SUNClosed